The biggest problem a homeowner faces is that in their absence their property possession dispute matters get neglected due to lack of time on the part of relatives or friends handling these on their behalf.

Therefore, take use of benefits of property management and allow us to help you getting possession of your property, in a professional and legal manner.

The property management processes pursued on your property are more than a simple exchange of management fees and services. Hiring a property management company carries a few hidden advantages as well.

LuXia’s Property Pre-possession services suite offers following bouquet of property management services to NRI’s and absentee homeowners to have hassle-free possession of their property. LuXia offers FREE ADVICE with a comprehensive service for each new inquiry that comes to our property manager.

NRIs Property registration on your behalf in Delhi NCR India. You need not travel or spend time on this tedious process.

Follow up with builder and real estate brokers on your behalf,to get maximum benefits in terms of late possession penalty, hidden charges, and delayed payment penalties.

]Our property management company in Delhi will help to ensure you get the right property, that too on time, as committed by your builder in the builder-buyer agreement.

Many builders don’t keep up with commitments and handover raw flats. LuXia will negotiate with them to get your due compensation.

Possession of property

NRI Property Lawyers

Before taking the possession, make sure all your documents are well in place. Check if you have received the original documents and photocopies of all the requisite documents from the builder.

No objection certificate: A NOC acts as written proof that the project has received all the required approvals from the concerned departments before starting the construction. These include BESCOM/BWSSB, clearance from the fire department, etc.

Occupancy certificate (OC): Issued by the civic authority of the city. Occupancy certificate signifies that the construction of the project is in compliance with the approved plan and building laws.

Completion certificate: This states that the project has been constructed as per the required norms and regulations.

Allotment letter: Issued by the builder in case you have opted for a home loan. You will have to give this to your bank and is needed to release the remaining funds.

Letter of no dues from the builder: Issued once all payments have been made


  • Scanned copy of the original agreement executed with the real estate company while buying a house
  • Copy of the communication done i.e. e-mails, postal mails etc
  • Details about the total cost of the flat/apartment
  • Proof of payment sent to the builder
  • Key client documentation checklist
  • Registered deed of conveyance
  • Land-use certificate/conversion order
  • Details of electricity, water and power backup
  • Agreement by maintenance agency
  • Car park allotment
  • Receipts of property tax and transfer certificate

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