What is the Difference Between Pre-Possession and Post Possession ?

“Possession” refers to the legal right to control and use a physical property. Possession doesn’t necessarily mean ownership, but rather the right to exercise control over the property. It’s a fundamental concept in property law and plays a crucial role in determining various rights and responsibilities of individuals or entities regarding real estate.

“Pre-possession” and “post-possession” are terms commonly used in legal contexts, particularly in property law. Here’s the difference between the two:


    • Pre-possession refers to activities or events that occur before the transfer of possession of a property from one party to another.
    • This may include negotiations, inspections, agreements, or any other actions taken before the actual transfer of possession.
    • During pre-possession, legal documents may be drafted, contracts may be negotiated, and conditions may be stipulated.
    • Pre-possession activities are crucial in ensuring that both parties understand their rights, obligations, and the terms of the transfer before possession changes hands.


    • Post-possession, on the other hand, refers to activities or events that occur after the transfer of possession of a property has taken place.
    • Once possession has been transferred, the new owner or occupant assumes control and responsibility for the property.
    • Post-possession activities may include maintenance, repairs, renovations, or any other actions taken by the new owner or occupant.
    • It also involves adhering to any terms or conditions outlined in the agreement or contract governing the transfer of possession.

In summary, pre-possession refers to actions taken before possession is transferred, while post-possession refers to actions taken after possession has been transferred. Both phases are important in property transactions to ensure a smooth transfer of rights and responsibilities between parties involved.