
Top 3 strategies to manage rental properties

As a landlord, you have to maintain your rental property to generate revenue. For the same, you have two choices. First, you manage all the nitty-gritty stuff by yourself. Second, you can outsource the related jobs to a property services company.

Moving on, here we have listed the three strategies for your rental property management needs. We will study the three areas under rental property management before that.

Three areas of rental property management

Before selecting a suitable rental management strategy, you must know the various rental property management areas.

  • Dealing with your tenants

Apart from rent collection, your landlord’s responsibilities include addressing tenant complaints, ascertaining the lease agreements are up-to-date, and checking for any damage after tenants move out.

Aside from that, landlords have also to screen prospective tenants while studying their background.

  • Handling the Property Maintenance Works

As part of a landlord’s property maintenance duties, they must maintain the building’s physical structure and ensure that the conditions are habitable for their tenants.

So, when it comes to keeping the premises clean and repairing any leaks and faulty locks, or giving access to the mandatory utilities, landlords have to be in charge.

Also, you have to manage the inspections from your insurance company, lenders, and government bodies. They conduct inspections to ensure that the health and safety codes are being duly followed.

However, you must also think of hiring the services of an interior designing company in Delhi for the home decor needs of your rental properties – to shore up the rental values, that is.

  • Finance Management

Managing finances is also an essential responsibility of landlords. As such, they should calculate their monthly income and expenditure.

Under the financial management of rental properties, landlords must record rent payments, insurance charges, taxes, mortgages, and property fees.

3 Strategies for managing your rental property

After understanding the different areas that come under rental property management, we move to your options on managing the various functions.

  • Adopt the Do-It-Yourself Approach

If you’re opting for the DIY rental property management model, the entire responsibility falls upon you. Whether collecting rent or filing taxes to maintaining your property, you are accountable for them all.

The pros of the DIY approach are that you’re totally in control and aware of all the related aspects of your property.

The cons of this model are that you’re likely to get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of paperwork required.

So, unless you have previous experience managing rentals, the general recommendation is to work with a reputed rental management services company.

  • Combination of Do-It-Yourself and Outsourcing

Under this approach, you can manage the tasks you’re well-equipped in and outsource the jobs you’re not qualified for to a Delhi property management company.

A good strategy is to outsource the legal matters and maintenance works to the professionals. On the other hand, you can manage your rental property’s finances and tend to your tenant issues, for such matters are relatively easy to handle.

Plus, you can outsource the home remodeling jobs to reputed interior Designers in Delhi to win compliments from all quarters.

  • Outsource all the responsibilities

Suppose you’re not comfortable managing your rental property and want to invest your efforts only in selecting properties and other investments. In that case, your best option is to hire a property manager or contact the property management services Gurgaon.

The property management specialists are fully-equipped to manage your rental property. Ranging from undertaking the repairs to collecting rent to screening tenants, they can deliver handsomely.

This approach is suitable for landlords who live away from their rental properties or own many rental properties. More so, if you’re a property investor who has a diversified investment portfolio, you can avail this option.

Contact the property management experts today!

So, we have seen that landlords who cannot manage their rental properties can hire property management consultants’ services.

Now, if you’re looking to outsource your rental property management responsibilities, you can contact the renowned NRI property management services companies. Having the support of experienced property managers, property management companies can reduce your workload significantly. Besides, you can avail some attractive deals if you own several rental properties.

More importantly, you must ensure to screen the property managers before you hire their services, for the saying ‘better safe than sorry holds.

Contact us for property management. |   +91 9810505543

Landlord duties and responsibilities

Landlord-tenant laws are framed to serve the interests of both parties. Of course, different states and countries have varying rules, but landlords have some essential duties even then. Your rental property management team will update you on the same. Among your landlord duties, you have to maintain and handle the repairs of their rented properties.

However, here we have listed some general duties and responsibilities of landlords.

  • Invest in landlord insurance

Any renowned property management company in Delhi NCR will advise landlords to first opt for sufficient landlord insurance. By doing so, you can protect your rented property and ensure your financial wellbeing.

As part of landlord insurance benefits, you can claim lost rental income owing to renovation works and other damages. The equipment you keep on your property for the maintenance works is covered from damages under landlord insurance.

  • Mold Treatment

Your rental management services company will tell you to get rid of mold on your rental property beforehand. Moreover, because mold grows because of pipe or drainage damage, landlords should make sure to undertake the necessary repair works to prevent decay from growing again anytime soon.

  • Repairing Works

By opting for timely repairs, you can maintain your rental property efficiently. So, if your tenant is complaining of paints peeling or clogged drains or the air conditioner breaking down, you must call the repairmen immediately. You can then shore up your rental values and maintain a healthy relationship with your tenants.

If you’ve not remodeled your rental property for a long time, you should think of contacting interior designing Delhi experts for the refurbishing jobs. Here again, you stand to benefit from higher rents.

  • Smoke Detectors

An essential responsibility of landlords is to install smoke detectors in the houses they let out. In general, as per state laws, landlords are required to invest in smoke detectors.

Now, if you’ve already mounted smoke detecting devices on your rental property, you have also to make sure they are in working condition before your new tenants move in.

  • Suitable living conditions

Another responsibility that falls upon landlords’ shoulders is to fix any issues that can cause potential harm to their tenants, as per the rent management system. As such, you have to maintain your rented property in a habitable condition. That said, you must check if your tenants have access to water and electricity.

  • Right to Entry

When landlords and tenants sign a rental agreement, the latter is given their right to privacy. This means landlords have to consent from the tenants before entering the homes.

Under rental property management contracts, landlords can only enter the premises for repair work. Or, they can take prior consent to show the property to prospective tenants. More so, they are allowed to enter in emergencies such as fire or natural calamity.

  • Security Deposit

Before moving into the rented homes, tenants have to furnish a security deposit, one or two times the monthly rent charges. The landlord has the right to keep the security deposit until the rent period expiry to cover any damages.

If landlords find damage to the property not arisen due to general wear and tear, they can use the repairs’ security deposit money.

  • Non-Renewal Intimation

In some cases, landlords might not want to renew their rental agreements with their tenants after the stipulated duration. Here, the landlords have to serve a notice of non-renewal to the tenants. Commonly, the landlords should intimate the tenants 60 days before the rental contract expiry.

  • Maintenance Works

Landlords can delegate the responsibility of lawn-care maintenance to the tenants. Even so, the lease agreement should include such a clause if that is the case. Else, the landlord is required for the lawn maintenance jobs.

Other than that, landlords have to burden the responsibility of removing or clearing snow from the pathways if they’re renting a property in places having cold weather.


To be on the safer side, you must discharge your landlord duties as required by the law. Nonetheless, if you’re opting for NRI property management services, you can leave property maintenance tasks and other responsibilities to their experts and breathe easy.

Contact our property managers for more information on rental property management. |   +91 9810505543

Explore the Millennial trend of Minimalist home decor!

The good news for the home furnishings market is that Millennials are finally investing in homes. Of course, the Millennial cohort has been slow in catching up with the adulthood milestones compared to their parents. However, the trends suggest that they are now keener on buying homes than the previous generations as they’re maturing.

As per a Goldman Sachs report, people tend to buy homes mostly when they are between the ages of 25 to 45 years.

Some interior design ideas that interest Millennials are an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary. Also, they are not fans of expensive furniture. Instead, you will find them shopping for vintage items at flea markets and investing in DIY furniture.

Another trend reflected in Millennials’ homes is their love for designing personal objects. Plus, they invest in artisan elements to uplift their homes’ overall appearance.

More so, if you ask any rental property management consultant, they will vouch for the fact that minimalistic decor is what appeals to the Millennial generation.

Here are some Millennial minimalistic home decor trends.

  • Love for Nature

Along with being adept at technology, Millennials are passionate about nature. Yes, their passion for nature is displayed in their Interior Designing choices.

They are also sensitive about environmental issues and want their personal spaces decorated with the good green stuff – plants. Yes, besides pets, plants are found in the homes of Millennials. Among the popular choices in plants, Millennials opt for snake plants, ferns, cacti, and succulents.

  • Basic Furniture

Although Millennials do not spend big on high-end furniture, they are finicky about their home fixtures. A prominent property management company in Delhi, NCR, will affirm that Millennials are all about practicality when choosing their home fittings. So, Scandinavian designs favor the Y-generation because of its simplistic patterns.

Besides that, benches and wooden shelves are other home decor favorites of the new generation.

  • DIY Rocks

Millennials learn to cook, stitch, among other crafts, for a break from technology. They are going with handmade quilts and photo-frames for their interior design bedroom designs.

  • Work corner is an absolute must.

More and more Millennials prefer to work from home in today’s times, with the workplace trends veering towards flexible hours. Also, because the latest generation members are risk-takers and entrepreneurs, they choose to work from fully-equipped home offices.

As per reputed property maintenance services companies, Millennials invest in comfortable desks and chairs and advanced technological equipment. Besides, they do not need filing cabinets because Cloud Technology is here to stay.

  • Mix and Match Rules

A distinctive trait of this generation is their love for mixing and matching. So, whether they’re working with materials or styles, they constantly try new things. As part of their interior design for the living room, they match modern pieces with conventional items.

Their love for mixing and matching is also seen with recovered materials – including tiles, hydraulic floors, wood, and vintage furniture.

  • Minimalism is the magic word.

In Millennial homes, you will rarely find large-sized items – whether home appliances or furniture. More so, rental management companies will ascertain that Generation Y does not hoard their kitchens with many kitchen appliances. Rather, Millennials are rooting for simple and practical designs. They are gung-ho about minimalism, with their smartphones doing the rest—no reason to fret.


Every new generation comes with different tastes. Millennial decor differs from their mothers’ or grandmothers’ generation’s home decoration choices.

The Millennial generation is the first-ever genesis that are technology savvy, trend addicts, and well-educated. They are also loyal to their preferred brands and dream of roaming the world.

Millennials love the minimalistic look in a nutshell, and their homes reflect their clutter-free choices. More so, if they’ve invested in homes, they’re availing NRI property management services for safeguarding their property while they’re busy pursuing their personal interests.

Contact us for interior designing or home decor requirements.

The rising need for Property Management Companies in India

Technological advancements play a crucial role in the success of any business, in today’s fast-paced times. Yes, technology ensures the smooth delivery of services. Now, as part of the services of a property services company, the property specialists use technology to monitor your rental properties seamlessly.

With the steady rise in demand for housing and the development of the rental market, the need for property management companies has only grown.

Some cities in India such as Delhi, Gurgaon, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, and Bangalore boast rapidly-growing rental markets. The reasons for this boom in rental markets across these cities are tax cuts, governmental rules, and the exponential growth of rental management services.

Also, because the Reserve Bank of India has cut the repo rate to 6% from 6.25%, the sales of properties are bound to go up. Moreover, home buyers are likely to invest in properties because of cheaper loans.

As per reports of Fastfox, the rental business is pegged at $32billion.

With people migrating to these cities in large numbers, the demand for housing will shore up, which will drive the rental business. More so, rental trends such as Co-living spaces and Shared living, which are promoted by property management companies, are gaining traction in India.

However, a professional interior designing company in Delhi opines refurbishing the homes before letting them out. In turn, the homeowners can gain from higher rental values.

NRIs are buying properties:

NRIs are gaining from favorable market conditions in India. A prominent property management company in Delhi will vouch that they are investing in luxury and economy homes. Doing so increases their earnings via capital appreciation and higher rents.

Going by a recent survey, the affordable housing segment offers returns ranging from 8 to 10 percent. Also, the mid-housing segment, luxury segment, and ultra-luxury segment are generating returns of 6 to 8 percent, 3 to 5 percent, and 2-3 percent, respectively.

Lately, both NRIs and Indian residents are propelled to invest in such properties. The rental assurance and transparency in the dealings that property management service companies provide are fuelling this trend.

Under NRI property management services, the professionals also work with builders to convince home buyers of assured rentals. In the process, the unsold inventories translate into sales.

Furthermore, due to the rapid pace of inventory sales, home buyers find difficulty managing multiple properties. So, they rely on property management firms for rent collection and property management.

Maintaining the rental properties is paramount because the depreciation value of properties decides the return on their investment in property purchases.

NRIs are increasingly depending on property managers to maintain and safeguard the property, as well. By doing so, their properties remain habitable for occupying later on.

Nowadays, property management companies are handling the rental market while providing the benefit of seamless transactions to their clients too.

A property management service Gurgaon uses digital marketing platforms for renting out the properties within a short period, as well.

The property managers are conducting background checks on prospective clients. As such, they study their employment and police records to make sure the prospects are looking only to rent a property.

Additionally, they inspect the properties periodically and give regular updates to the owners.

For the maintenance and repair works, they also coordinate with house vendors to perform the given tasks – all without the owner not having to worry about the labour costs.

Besides, property managers are responsible for drawing standard contracts. Such agreements contain rules and regulations that both parties have to comply with. All this contributes to a hassle-free renting experience.

Plus, the property management experts use analytical tools to research the prevailing market rents for all districts.

Further, they inform the owners about the rental market costs of their properties. They base their estimates on land rates, locality, construction charges, and proximity to popular junctions.

Also, because rental homeowners are busy working professionals, they are not able to strike a balance between their careers and the management of their assets. As a result, many flats are not rented out and remain vacant. Nonetheless, by hiring property managers, they can curtail their losses.

However, with cities developing at a fast rate, the rental market and demand for housing will continue to boom. Yes, homebuyers prefer long-term investments – such as residential and commercial properties – over volatile markets.

More so, NRIs would benefit by heeding the advice of property managers to redo the homes beforehand. As such, renowned interior Designers in Delhi can work at affordable rates to renovate your homes. So, you can then charge higher rent and earn extra revenue.


On a concluding note, property management companies are here to stay. As a property owner, you can avail of their services for managing your rental property hassles. Moreover, you can be assured of the quality of tenants, for they conduct in-depth screening of the prospects and sift out the best ones.

Contact our property managers. |    +91 9810505543

10 Tips for First-Time Landlords

Owning rental property is advantageous in various ways. As such, you can earn more income via rent and increase your net worth. Even so, if you’re a first-time landlord, you must consider hiring a rental management services company to help you get the most from your property investment.

You can also follow some tips to help you make the right decisions.

  • Go tenant hunting

To become a landlord, you need to search for tenants. To spread the word about your rental property, you can use the services of apartment listings. You have a variety of property sites to choose from. However, make sure you research the property-related websites before doing business with them.

Under the rent management system, to advertise your property, you have to write a short description of your unit and post some striking photos. Plus, you must give details about the address and the rent costs.

  • Select tenants wisely

To gain success in the rental game, you must select your tenants wisely. Yes, you want occupants who can afford to pay rent and stay for a long time or at least about a year.

Importantly, you must conduct background checks and study their criminal history and credit score beforehand. Additionally, you must meet the potential tenants to know about them.

  • Maintain a written record

Always follow a paper trail for any dealings with your tenants. Ensure that all agreements between you and your tenant are signed and in written form. Of course, you might be tempted to skip the legalities, but you may then end up losing rent money if they refuse to pay up or move out as agreed upon.

The lease agreement between both parties should contain details about the property, rent rates, and stay duration. The contract must have details about the expenses that the tenants have to incur.

If you need help drawing a lease agreement, you can consult a professional rental property management company.

  • Account for your taxes

Some first-time landlords work with tax planners or accountants who have experience filing taxes for landowners. These professionals can guide you in managing your expenses and documents. More so, they can determine if you’re charging rent as per the market standards.

  • Determine your working hours

Communicate to your tenants that you’re available at only specific working hours. If they call at odd hours, let it go to your voicemail. Call back only in case of urgencies.

  • Do not rent to friends and family.

All rental property management service companies’ general recommendation is to refrain from renting your property to family members or friends. Many relationships have gone haywire when doing so. Evicting strangers is far more accessible, as well.

  • Take photos before and after renting.

A good strategy to safeguard your interests is to click photos before the tenants move in. Then, you have a record of any existing issues and can deduct money for any repairs from the security deposit.

  • Simplify the payment process

Talk to your tenants about the payment modes that are most convenient for them. With easy payment systems, you’re more likely to receive rent on time. Online payments are the popular payment methods to collect rent. Or, you can avail of the services of a reputed property management company in Delhi NCR for your rent collection needs.

  • Hire a Property Management Company

Hiring NRI property management services is beneficial in many ways. Yes, the property specialists offer guidance on managing your rental property. Besides screening the tenants, they can also help marketing your property and rent collection.

  • Sell the ultimate living experience.

For attracting tenants, you can work with renowned interior designing Delhi firms to redo your unit with furniture and furnishing items. A beautifully-decorated home can invite many inquiries, and you can choose the best ones from the lot.

Applying a fresh coat of paint, and using scented candles for a sweet fragrance, when they come visiting are other ways of drawing tenants.


As a first-time landlord, you’re bound to make some mistakes. Nonetheless, do not be disheartened if that is the case. If you fail, get back and try again. Remember, life is a learning experience. Only keep in mind to be honest in your businesses with others, which adds to your credibility.

Get in touch with our property managers to get started!

Interior Designing based on your Zodiac sign


Different zodiac signs have particular traits. So, keeping in line with your zodiac sign, you can opt for Interior Designing solutions that depict your personality. Yes, certain features are associated with specific zodiac signs, and you can have those facets reflect in your home interiors.

Plus, by decorating your home, you can enjoy the benefits of higher resale values. You may also want to consider selling your house to somebody who shares the same zodiac sign as you. You never know, you could end up getting a better price for your home – if the client is interested in astrology.

Interior Designing based on your Zodiac signHere we have listed some home decoration themes as per the varied zodiac signs.

  • Capricorn

Capricorns strive for perfection and are gung-ho about traditionalism. So, popular interior design ideas for this zodiac sign entail refurbishing their homes with conventional yet sophisticated patterns.

Besides paying attention to luxurious details, a Capricorn’s home must also boast of the classic touch.

  • Aquarius

An Aquarian’s home should have an artistic touch and streaks that display modernism. Also, Aquarians emphasize self-improvement and love to entertain.

So, keeping all that in mind, the living room’s interior design must have fun elements, albeit with stress on comfort.

Other elements to express their personality and find a place in their homes are geometric and abstract blueprints.

  • Pisces

Pisceans love to socialize, so their home must be adequately comfortable and luxurious to host many guests.

To reflect this zodiac sign’s easy-breezy personality, the interior design bedroom experts will imply building spacious homes to facilitate the free flow of air. Light and soft tones are additional elements to indulge this zodiac sign’s members.

  • Aries

Some of the Aries zodiac signs’ characteristics are minimalistic design, positivity, and liveliness. So, the interior designer would advise applying Scandinavian patterns.

Any property management services company will vouch because the rental values go up significantly if houses are refurbished for matching International tastes.

  • Taurus

For the Taurus zodiac sign, interior decorators usually choose earthy tones and simple designs.

Members of this zodiac sign fancy blends of the past and present. So, the magic word here is industrial, masculine, yet contemporary.

If you’re planning to rent your home, any rental management company will advise you to redo the home stylishly to fetch the best prices.

  • Gemini

Both the social and intellectual bubbles find resonance with Geminis.

However, for self-evolution, the best strategy while redecorating a Gemini home would be to decorate their walls with refreshing colors. Adding plants in their home is also a good way of displaying their artistic side.

The rental property management professionals would also want the interior design experts to add more homes to drive up the rental values.

  • Cancer

When it comes to the Cancerians, their homes must have a welcoming and friendly touch. So, interior decorators go with pastel and neutral shades to create an intimate atmosphere for recreating Cancers’ personality.

If your Cancerian client plans to put the house up for rent, a prominent property management company in Delhi NCR opines will use natural textures and blue color tones for a light and good effect – to imitate what the Cancer zodiac sign is all about.

  • Leo

Their home decoration style should be rich in aesthetics in the Leo zodiac sign. Because Leos pay attention to detail, their homes should have timeless decorative items.

The home accessories and decorations should also come from the eclectic zone for an exotic effect.

  • Virgo

Virgos feel at home in neat and clean spaces. Additionally, their choice of the color palette includes natural tones. So, your pick should be white, grey, and beige to redo their homes among soft colors.

  • Libra

Librans have creative and colorful personalities. They aspire to do things differently, too.

To decorate a Libran home, loud and bright colors such as green, blue, and yellow are good choices.

  • Scorpio

Scorpios are nature lovers and fans of everything innate. Here, the interior design specialists should consider adding white, gray, black, and brown tones to decorate a Scorpion home.

  • Sagittarius

Sagittarius are social beings and infuse life into every party they attend. So, their homes must also be a reflection of these personality facets. Pay attention to detail when furnishing Sagittarians’ family rooms and living spaces.

Plants, relaxing furniture, and sweet-smelling scents are other aspects of decorating their homes.

Reach out to the professional interior designers to redo your home as per your zodiac sign now!

If you’re investing in property, you must surely give importance to making your personal spaces aesthetically-pleasing and comfortable. Our NRI property management services recommend giving your home an interesting twist by redoing the rooms as per zodiac sign traits. If you plan to rent out your home, you can later benefit from higher rental prices.

Welcome Feng Shui decor for home healing, positive energy, and money luck

After a long tiring day at work, you look forward to coming to a home that is soothing and relaxing, where you can unwind by meditating or simply allowing your mind to wander freely. Feng shui, a set of laws that emphasizes on the flow of energy in spatial alignment, has become popular over the years by building on this same concept.

Feng shui tips for home decor

Simply put, feng shui is concerned with placing different elements to direct the flow of ‘Chi’ or energy. Feng shui meaning entails two words: ‘feng’ which means wind and ‘shui’ which means water. Both elements are vital for our existence and flow all around the universe.

Now, if you’re looking to build a feng shui home, keep in mind to incorporate the five essential elements: fire, water, earth, metal, and wood.

Feng shui imparts a range of benefits and for all aspects of life. Whether you want to improve your relationships or be successful in your endeavors or block negative energy or connect with your inner self, feng shui can help.

Also, we have listed 5 feng shui tips that you can make part of your feng shui décor to attract positive energy while realizing the related benefits.

  • Selection of colors

In feng shui design, color has a crucial role to play. With color, you can alter the energy flow within your home confines for attaining the desired results speedily. However, the feng shui experts opine choosing shades based on how they make you feel. As such, dingy painted walls of any color can make you feel gloomy, while a freshly-painted wall bearing the same color can uplift your mood.

  • Maintain clear and open spaces

As per the feng shui decorating rules, an abundance of open space helps to attract more wealth energy. So, as much as possible, you must make sure to create open spaces to facilitate the uninterrupted flow of energy. Keep in mind that open space is directly proportional to the inflow of fresh energy. So, create space to welcome positive energy for improving your overall wellbeing.

  • Declutter and organize

Do not block energy by cluttering your home with your stuff. More so, organizing your stuff is important; else, you will start amassing clutter again. Your feng shui decorating 2020 mantra should be to get organized and keep your things in place.

All your items should have a place of their own; notwithstanding, their size. Then, you can find things with ease and do not waste precious time finding them whenever they’re needed.

Similarly, even your feng shui items for home deserve a place of their own. These include Arowana fish figurines, the Laughing Buddha, feng shui money frog, the wealth vase, and tassels that come with Chinese coins. They are famous, traditional feng shui money cures that are deemed to be wealth magnets.

  • Have a Sacred Space

In feng shui interior design, a specific money area has to be taken care of. So, you should check the Bagua (the feng shui energy space) of your abode. As such, you must create a sacred space that is assigned to the energy of wealth.

Apart from your garage or bathroom or laundry room, you can have your Bagua anywhere and of any size. In general, you should have an area that has the responsibility of garnering wealth. Plus, you should decorate the pious altar with valuable items (such as jewelry) and feng shui energy activators (like plants and crystals).

  • Water gush

The energy of water and wealth has a connection and is prevalent among all cultures. Under feng shui wealth cures, as part of interior designing for homes, you can have fountains (if you’re fond of them) in the chosen feng shui home indoor or outdoor areas.

Only you must not have fountains in your bedroom, for that is not considered good feng shui.

Decorate your home with feng shui décor now!

In feng shui wealth cures, you have an array of items to take your pick from, albeit you must decide whether they will have a harmonious effect on your home.

More importantly, note that the winsome feng shui applications are the ones that have your personalized touch. So, decorate your home only with feng shui cures that you share a special connection with.

Remember, you have to create positive energy to have the best things in life (including financial wealth) trickling in your life and that too, in abundance.

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About LuXia

LuXia is a leading property management company in Delhi NCR focused on providing quality property services to NRIs and Indian property owners. Our services start right from getting your property registration, to talking to your builder for any property possession delays. From there we’ll walk you through your property handover and interior designing services for your home, so that it is ready for you to move in or for you to rent your property.

As a rental property management company we’ll find a perfect tenant for you and get your rent cycle started at the earliest with maximum returns. We also have our team of property legal advisors to help sort out any legal disputes. In short we are your trusted partner for assured property management services and property maintenance services.

Schedule an appointment with our property manager today! |   +91 9810505543

Make most of the space with these simple and creative small house designing tips

Small houses are undeniably cozy, albeit the lack of space could get suffocating at times. So, why not maximize your available space? Here, we have listed some space-saving hacks for you to live large even if your house is small.

Small house designing tips

  • Put storage cabinets underneath the stairs

If you’re wondering how to maximize space in a small apartment, you may want to consider adding shelves, cabinets, and drawers under your home staircase.

  • Install your TV on the wall

Media consoles tend to occupy a lot of space and are a no-no for small living spaces. However, for your small-sized living room, you can have more floor space by mounting your television set on the wall.

  • Invest in a King-Size Bed

This may sound paradoxical, but interior designers opine that adding a large-sized bed is a simple interior design for small house that helps to give the impression of more space.

  • Set up a skylight

Among other small house interior design ideas that give a feel of greater space is the option of installing skylights. Besides, you get to enjoy the scenic views of your outdoors with skylights.

  • Keep to-scale furniture

Another small house interior design living room idea is to keep furniture items that fit well in the available space. So, beforehand, you may want to measure the furniture – to ensure they are of the desired scale that is. To crowd your living room with outsized furniture is not a good use of your much-loved space.

  • Consider the wall desk option

If you do not have room for office space in your small home, then consider adding wall-mounted desks; they do not occupy much space. More so, you can add shelves above for additional storage space.

  • Create storage room that extends up to the ceiling

A popular very small house decorating ideas is the option of adding vertical storage. In addition to keeping your things out of your way, this option makes your room look larger.

  • Build zones

If you’re living in a studio apartment, you may want to separate your sleep zone from the rest of your space by simply adding an ultra-high curtain and dangling a floating painting for greater division.

With the curtains drawn and the painting in place, you can feel like you’re in a hotel room. Of course, you can entertain too, without seeming like everybody’s hanging out in your bedroom.

  • Consider the option of multiple-duty pieces

If you want to know more about how to maximize space in a small house, then the trick is to go with fittings that serve dual purposes or can be shifted with ease or hidden without much ado.

The three-in-one nesting tables serve all these purposes, so you may want to consider adding them as part of your home decor.

Plus, you can go with tables that serve both as a desk and dining table. Or, opt for deep sofas that can be used as guest beds. Or, avail cubes that can function as coffee tables or extra seats when guests come calling.

  • Use large-sized (but lesser) fixtures

To lend a grand feel to your small space, the general recommendation would be to outfit with a few jumbo-sized pieces and not a jumble of puny-sized pieces.

Avoid pushing your furniture along the walls too. Rather you must leave space behind the furniture, for the room looks wider than it is then.

  • Contract your dining space

Among interior design ideas for small homes in low budget, you can consider opting for small and round tables rather than large-sized ones. Here again, you can have more space in your homely abode.

  • Apply mirror magic

Interior designers swear by mirrors for making rooms seem larger, airier, and lighter. The fun convex ones are popular among the crowd, for they add character to your space and that too, without taking up much of your cherished space.

  • Go with pocket doors

As part of your small space architecture efforts, you may want to consider the option of pocket doors that have glass windows. Such fixtures not only help in creating separation but also let shared light to flow all about. Besides, you can slide the doors into the wall when not in use, occupying lesser space than swinging doors.

  • Give importance to lighting

Never undermine the importance of good lighting, for this aspect can uplift or dampen the appearance of your room. Especially, in cramped spaces (such as bathrooms) with narrow windows, good lighting is an absolute must.

Final Thoughts

In addition to the above-listed ideas for creating space in small homes, a good way of maximizing space is by way of decluttering all your rooms. To declutter, you must designate zones for keeping your different belongings. A good strategy to declutter is also to get rid of items which you do not use or need 80 percent of the time.

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LuXia is a leading property management company in India focused on providing quality management services to NRIs and Indian property owners. Our services start right from getting your property registration, to talking to your builder for any property possession delays. From their we’ll walk you through your property handover and interior designing services for your home, so that it is ready for you to move in or for you to rent your property.

As a rental management company we’ll find a perfect tenant for you and get your rent cycle started at the earliest with maximum returns. We also have our team of property legal advisors to help sort out any legal disputes. In short we are your trusted partner for assured property management services and property maintenance services.

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DIY Birthday Party Home Decor

For your upcoming birthday celebrations, have you thought of opting for DIY home decorations? Rather than going with boring ready-made decorations, you can create unique designs to add a personalized touch to the festivities. Because birthdays come around only once a year, whereby, you cross age milestones, calling for merry-making.

Here are a host of DIY party décor ideas for you to incorporate to cherish your birthday bash as a sweet memory

  • Balloon options

Even if you’re planning on simple birthday decoration at home, balloons are an absolute must. For you surely will agree that no party is complete without balloons, right? Of course, you may need the help of friends and family members to blow the balloons, but that can be a fun-filling experience too.

Among your balloon options are the glitter balloons and ice cream balloons – among others.

diy balloon home decorIn glitter balloons, you can choose a host of vibrant colors or go with one or two colors to keep things simple. Basic and nippy, all you require for glitter balloons are balloons, glitter, and glue. Puff up the balloons and apply the glue for forming interesting shapes or stripes on the balloon. Next, put the glitter onto the glue and wipe off the excess.

For creating ice cream balloons, you first need to prepare paper cones using newspaper or craft paper. Follow by placing the balloon atop the cone and sticking with glue.

After applying glue, leave the balloons to dry for some time.

Voila, you’re glistening party decorations are all poised.

  • Inscribed table cloth

Require tablecloth immediately? Take some brown packing paper, colors and a potato. Chop the potato in two equal pieces and dunk in the color. Pursue by creating prints on the brown paper with the dunked potato. Your DIY, reusable tablecloth is all set.

  • Splatter the venue with colors

Colors play an important role in all types of decorations. So, even if you intend on having simple decorations for birthday party at home, you must use as many colors as possible – for a vibrant feel that is.

Plus, you must make sure to add an array of items in varied shades. Go on and add a dash of color to pictures, balloons, and furnishings for a lively vibe.

  • Pay attention to the lights

If you’re looking for home décor ideas for DIY birthday decorations for adults, keep in mind to opt for soft lights; they help to create an intimate mood. Lit up the place with candles of different sizes, colors, and shapes. More so, spread the candles all over the place. You can also use fun lights, for they help to light up all your home corners.

And if you’re having a party outdoors, then you can hang lights and lanterns all around to lend a bewitching twist to your garden party.

  • Streamer cascades

DIY birthday party home decor ideasFor your homemade birthday decoration ideas for kids, have you thought of using crepe paper streamers? Only you need to buy streamers in different colors from any local decoration shop and decorate your walls to liven up the place.

  • Special Party Hats

DIY birthday party home decorStandard party hats are so dull. Instead, perk up your birthday revelry by adorning the party hats with stones, paper flowers, ruffles, and stones.

  • Decorated vases

If you’re keen on learning how to make birthday decorations, then you can start with creating colored vases. You will need paint colors and a couple of glass vases. Douse the bottom 1/3rd of the jars in the colors and allow the paint to dry on a newspaper. After the paint has dried, you can place flowers (fresh or dry ones) in the newly-painted vases.

  • Glass showpieces

Scouting for some stylish birthday concepts? If yes, then you can consider having glass centerpieces. Take glass jars from the cabinet, some glitter, and battery-controlled candles. Apply little glue on the inner part of the jars to stick the golden glitter. Remove the excess glue and place a candle inside the glasses. Light up the candles when the party begins.

Plan your DIY birthday party décor now!

In addition to the above-mentioned DIY birthday party home décor ideas, you have several other options to choose from. These include cupcake linears, cake toppers, hanging tissue balls, accessorized drinking straws, among others.

You only need a few basic supplies for creating distinctive decorations to make your birthday memorable for many years to come for your guests.

If you need help on any property management services, interior designing, rental property management then call/whatsapp us.

Protect your home this monsoon from mosquitoes and flies with these incredible indoor plants…aesthetics is an added advantage!

Mosquitoes are harmful in various ways. Not only do they give you itchy skin, but also they can cause dengue, malaria etc.  Mosquitoes are attracted by body heat, carbon dioxide, lactic acid, and sweat. Of course, you can avail a host of mosquito repellant chemical sprays to repel them. However, such chemical-laded sprays can adversely affect people.

Instead, you must consider going with natural remedies to ward off mosquitoes. And in the line of natural treatments for bugs, the option of placing mosquito repellent plants for home is worth pondering over. Then, you can enjoy your time in the gardens without having to bother about pests.

Additionally, indoor plants add to the aesthetic appeal of your private spaces. Only with a little investment and effort, you can keep your home mosquito-free and pristine.

So, here we have listed 5 indoor plants to take your pick from

  • Citronella

The leaves of the citronella plant are a common ingredient in mosquito repellant products. You can also crush the leaves and follow by rubbing on your skin to repel mosquitoes. Also, the plant has a sweet lemon essence that can effectively drive away mosquitoes.

Also, if you talk to your property maintenance company, they will advise growing your citronella plants in the ground or large-sized pots. And as a tropical plant, they bloom in warm weather and sunny conditions. For added benefits, you can spray fertilizer regularly or expose them to artificial light during the winter season when the days are short.

Only make sure you buy genuine citronella mosquito repellent plants indoor India; they resemble thick grass and do not come with broad rippled leaves.

  • Lavender

Lavender plantMore commonly, lavender is planted in the outdoors for deterring wildlife. Even so, you may want to consider indoor plants that repel roaches such as the lavender ones for a mosquito-free environment.

In your home indoors, you must keep your lavender plant at the windowsill for it to receive abundant sunlight and optimal airflow.

In lavender plants, you can choose between the English and French ones; the former is easy to place indoors while the latter has a stronger fragrance which helps to repel the bugs.

  • Lemon Balm

Lemon balm with its citrus scent helps to deter mosquitoes and doubles up as a welcome addition to your home plant collection for aesthetic benefits.

The green-colored leaves of lemon balm plants smell like both lemons and mint. Only take a handful of leaves and crush and follow by rubbing on exposed skin to ward off mosquitoes.

Also, always grow lemon balm plants in pots and place them in your garden or at the back door. They do not need much sunlight which makes them easy to manage.

To derive the benefits of having indoor plants from your lemon balm plant, you can pluck out any flower buds that begin to form. If you allow them to flower, the leaves tend to lose their fervent aroma and cease repelling mosquitoes.

Another way of using the plant to enjoy its goodness is to add a few leaves to prepare lemon tea. By doing so, you can prevent the plant to become large which it does if growing well.

  • Basil

Basil indoor plantIn India, many households have Basil or Tulsi indoor plants for home for their rich medicinal value. Plus, the leaves are added to a variety of dishes for exuding flavor. Besides, the pungent smell of the plant makes it a fantastic anti-mosquito herb. They ooze a scent without you having to touch or crush its leaves.

The essential oils in basil keep the bugs at bay. Simply take a few leaves from the basil plant and massage on your exposed skin for averting mosquitoes.

Fresh basil leaves can also be added to dishes, in addition to enjoying their pest-repellant qualities.

For your basil plant to grow well, place the potted basil in sunlit windows and be sure to water it periodically. Moreover, you must use well-draining soil to grow basil, for the plant does not thrive in dry conditions.

  • Catnip

Catnip Plant for mosquito repellantCatnip is a member of the mint family. Catnip plants grow fast and have a strong scent that helps to repel bugs. Nonetheless, your interior designing company will advise keeping your catnip plant near sunny windows and watering it regularly. Apart from that, pick out the leaves as soon as they develop for the plant to grow more leaves.

Similar to lavender, catnip plants become large over time, so you may have to divide the plants if they become very big for your windowsill.

Of course, if you own cats, then ensure to keep your catnip plants in hanging baskets or high shelves.

For driving away mosquitoes, you simply have to crush catnip leaves to rub on your skin.

Get your indoor plant to protect your home from mosquitoes today!

Aside from being infuriating pests, mosquitoes pose a host of risks. So, investing a little effort to keep you home free from mosquitoes is worthwhile.

Mosquitoes breed in summer and warm conditions, so you need to take the necessary precautions at such times.

To keep away mosquitoes, you must not keep any stagnant water in your home, for they breed in wet environments.

More so, you can protect your home by having tight screens on your home windows and exposed vents.

Only with some aromatic plants, along with a few basic changes around your home, you can enjoy your summers without having to worry about mosquitoes and chemical sprays.

Looking for a interior designing company in Delhi NCR? LuXia can help!

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